The Wolf’s Invitation
Once upon a time, Red Riding Hood sisters had received a Halloween picnic invitation. They wore the red cloak then set out immediately. As they were walking through the woods, a wolf fervently greeted and guided each of them to the party.
Halloween delightful treats had already presented on the blanket when the big sister arrived. She awaited her little sister and glanced around. “What a desolate place!” said the big sister.
Sisters met up and excitedly relished their dessert. “I love these delicious cookies and the Halloween decorations.” said the little sister.
Both thought this Halloween picnic was a surprise from each other. The big bad wolf was hiding and staring them in the woods. He knew that the Red Riding Hood sisters would become his food in a little while. Poor sisters did not realize it was an invitation from the wolf that trapped them to have poisonous treats. They would faint soon……
To be continued……
Happy Halloween!